
Responsible for content according to § 10 paragraph 3 MDStV: Reimar Scholz

BAVARIA Industries Group AG

Bavariaring 24
80336 Munich

Phone: +49 89 7298967 - 0
Fax: +49 89 7298967 - 10
E-Mail: info(at)

Executive Board

Reimar Scholz

Supervisory Board 

Hans-Peter Lindlbauer (Chairman)
Dr. Philip Martinius
Wanching Ang

Bank details

Commerzbank Munich
IBAN: DE78 7008 0000 0304 1050 00

Register court: Amtsgericht Munich
Registration number: HR 143 858
Tax number: 143/100/10244

Details of trade data

Total number of shares: 5,060,548
Amount of the share capital in euros: 5,060,548
Shareholder structure
Specialist: M. M. Warburg & CO
Designated Sponsor: M. M. Warburg & CO

Company information

Date of incorporation: The company was established by notarial deed dated 3 April 2002 and entered in the Commercial Register on 8 August 2002.

Accounting standard: HGB
End of the financial year: Fiscal year is the calendar year

TYPO3 Administration und Support: Agentur MUC-CMS München